5 Things to do When You’re bored

1. Binge Watch

Okay so the new episode of This Is Us comes out this week. If you aren’t caught up, or you want to rewatch the entire first season, just binge watch. When you have nothing to do, this is a perfect thing to do. It’s easy and relaxing.

2. Finally sign up for the gym

You’ve put this off for YEARS! It’s finally time to bite the bullet and get down to the nearest gym and get a membership. It’s healthy and you’ll feel really good after.

3. Read that book that you totally forgot about. 

If you started it years ago, have to read it for school or a book club, we all have that book we forgot about. This is a perfect time to a get started on that.

4. Learn a new recipe

You can’t live off of take out and mac and cheese forever. Learning a new recipe is fun and it could be your signature dish that you bring to parties.

click here to learn some new recipes

5. Learn a new hobby 

Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn how to knit a scarf, you told somebody that you would fix that hole in their shirt. This is a perfect time to do it. A new hobby is great and it’s very handy to have.



Author: americanteen2022

Hi! I'm Chelsea and I created this site to help make the most unbearable times of your life a little more bearable.

One thought on “5 Things to do When You’re bored”

  1. I just caught up on “This Is Us” and I’m feeling SO MANY EMOTIONS! I think I’m going to burn off the emotions at the gym… great ideas! 🙂


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